Saturday, 31 January 2015

Music Magazine Construction-Front Cover Step By Step

I decided to make a step by step so I could show the viewers of my blog how I made this poster and what I did to make it different and stand out.

Music Magazine Construction-Photoshop Vs Indesign

I chose Photoshop to be the main software that I use for the construction process of my front cover. The reason I chose Photoshop was because I studied Media Studies for GCSE and had a very good knowledge of how to use Photoshop. I will use InDesign for my contents page and double page spread to vary the different pieces of software that I use.

Music Magazine Construction- New Front Cover- First Draft

Here I have a new draft of my front cover. I like this front cover a lot compared to my old one. It looks so much more professional and realistic with all the various different elements I have put in it. I can vividly see the changes I need to make for my next draft, but overall I am very happy with the outcome.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Music Magazine Construction- Slogan

I created this font on the website Font Space to use as my slogan. One thing I am going to change during the editing process is the colour of the word harmony. I am going to change it to red to make it stand out and match my colour scheme.

Music Magazine Construction- Barcode

I created a barcode for the bottom of my magazine as it makes it more personalised and real looking, especially with it having the name and issue number of the magazine at the bottom. I created this barcode using a barcode generator online. It was very simple and easy to use.

Music Magazine Construction- New Front Cover Photo

I decided to retake my front cover photos due to them not being to my full potential. The new front cover photo came out very well, but their are still some places where there needs to be attended to for editing purposes. This is the photo I chose because it has the lead singer in the middle and the musicians behind her.I also think it is a very appealing photo and many people would be interested to listen to a band like them.

Music Magazine Construction- New Masthead

I have used this as my new masthead. The reason I changed my masthead is because the old one was very unprofessional. I am glad I did this as when I added my masthead to my new cover, it looked so much more professional and appealing. 

Music Magazine Construction- Social Networking Symbols

I used these symbols on my magazine as they are social networking sites that the magazine can attract people to their website and magazine etc and draw their readers in. I decided to e different and change the colour's of the symbols to red, white and black so it would match the colour scheme of my magazine. When I asked my target audience what colour's they would like to see as the dominant colour's in the magazine they said blue white and red, but when looking at other magazines such as Q and NME they stick to the red white and black. I find these colour's very simplistic yet eye catching and effective. Colour's such as blue make the magazine seem like it is only appealing to males, though my magazine is aiming to appeal to both genders. 

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Music Magazine Consruction- Cover Line Inspiration

During the Construction process of the first draft of my front cover I found an inspirational idea that I am going to include on the front cover. I got this idea when i was researching other magazines to see what type of font they would use. I researched Billboard magazine where I seen the cover of Lorde, the international singer. What I am going to include is the word "La Cricca" which is the name of the band I am using. I am going to make it pink to show their feminine dominance in the music industry and it will be like the font below where there is a space in the word Lorde and a slogan in the middle. It will be something like "The New Queen Of Alternative" due to La Cricca being a female group in the alternative genre of music.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Music Magazine Construction-Front Cover First Draft

With the overall outcome of the first draft of my front cover I am not very happy with it. I need to think about the redesign of the flat-plan and I also need to take some new images. I do like the font saying La Cricca and the text going through the middle. I will use this in my next draft. I was stuck for time, so I think this is one of the reasons for not being able to produce my front cover to the best of my ability.

I have decided to retake the photos for my front cover again, because I know what I have done wrong and how I can make it better for my second and my final draft.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Music Magazine Construction- Harmony Magazine Logo

I decided to create a logo for my magazine that I could place on the contents page and at the bottom of each page, especially only my double page spread. I got this idea from the issue of Q Magazine I bought, where they have the white Q in a red box beside the page number on each page. Even though it is small it stood out to me as it was very eye catching.

I used the ying yang symbol as it represents harmony, and added different effects like the music chords to make it symbolic that it is a music magazine. The H is the capital letter of my music magazines name "Harmony" and the magazine is at the side because I want my magazine to be like Q with many different brands such as awards and their radio station.

I created this symbol using Photoshop and I found it very accessible and the tools very easy to use. It was time consuming, but I am very happy with the final product.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Music Magazine Construction- Chosen Photo Interview

I decided to hold an interview to see what other people though of my photos. this will help when it comes to my evaluation as it tells me what I should have done differently in the photos.

Front Cover:
Rate out of ten: ten
Change: Left model not looking straight and she is using a different hand compared to the other two.
Intrigues to buy a magazine with this cover: Yes.

Contents Page:
Rate out of ten: eight
Change: Brighten, crop photo, make models more visible.

Rate out of ten: eight
Change: Make bodies more noticeable and blur the background.

Rate out of ten: nine
Changes: Make the image brighter

Rat out of ten: ten
Change: Nothing

Rate out of ten: ten
Change: Nothing

Music Magazine Construction- Photo Padlet and Questionnaire Analysis

I analysed my survey on survey monkey and put them in a Power-point, then uploaded it to Slide-share. I did this because I wanted people to see what my top images were that i am going to use in my music magazine.  

Music Magazine Construction- Questionnaire- Facebook

I decided to share my survey on Facebook so I could recieve a range of different answers. Because I was time restricted I only recieved eight answers but it was enough for me to see what the audience wanted to see in my magazine.

Music Magazine Construction- Photo Questionnaire/Padlet/Survey Monkey

I decided to share my favourite photos for each section and recieve feedback on them so I could see what the audience wanted to see within the magazine. I used Padelt as a new software and I found it very good and accessible to use. I wanted to use Survey monkey for the answers so it could be easily analysed and I could get a greater picture when it came to analysing it.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Music Magazine Planning-Photoshoot Plan

I made a photo shoot plan because it will make it a lot easier for me to follow when taking my photos.

Music Magazine Planning- Flatplan Sketches

I sketched out my flat plans so I could receive a better understanding of what I want on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. It also helps me when coming to the design process of my logo so I can make it exactly the same.